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We're thrilled to announce that this year, we've raised the bar with our conference programming. Take a sneak peek at one of our Educational Sessions in the video below. Seize the opportunity to Network ➤ Learn ➤ Advance at EGSA Spring 2024. 

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Sreedhar Sistu, VP AI Customer Offers, Schneider Electric v.2.jpg

Presenter: Sreedhar Sistu
VP AI Customer Offers, Schneider Electric

General Session

Monday, September 16
8:30 am – 11:00 am

How can AI serve both innovation and sustainability? Join Sreedhar Sistu, VP AI Customer Offers, Schneider Electric, sharing how the company embraces AI at scale, embedding AI in its products, solutions, and services, with a focus on energy efficiency. Sharing real-life use cases, he will demonstrate how to put data and AI to work to reduce energy consumption and resulting GHG emissions, optimize energy demand, remove barriers to wider adoption of clean energy sources, and offer modern services experience. 

Education Sessions

Monday, September 16
1:00 pm – 1:45 pm; repeated from 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm

Session #1: Energy Demands and AI Opportunities

Presenter: Jack Harris 
Director – Power Development, ANA Corp

Hybrid energy systems offer several advantages for AI data centers. By combining renewable energy sources like energy storage and solar with traditional power sources, these systems can provide a more sustainable and reliable energy supply. This not only reduces the carbon footprint during the building of the data center but also ensures uninterrupted power availability once the AI data center is operational. This is crucial for AI systems' continuous operation.

AI is here on the near horizon on a very large scale. Companies are rushing to the forefront to get started now as the lead times to design, obtain generators, UPS systems, electrical/HVAC equipment and materials to build a large scale AI data center takes time.

Session #2: Field Service Scheduling & Routing – Look What AI Can Do For You

Presenter: Steve Berry, Product Manager, MSI Data

A common pain of many service organization is scheduling work and routing technicians – but it doesn’t have to be a pain! Let’s talk about the general history of technician scheduling and routing, commons ways this was previously accomplished and issues organizations faced. Over the years technology has come in to help with these critical tasks with many improvements seen and at your fingertips. We can talk through early and current state of modern scheduling and routing capabilities available today. Then let’s move into how machine learning and AI are transforming the tasks of scheduling and routing. Critical service KPIs can be improved with proper scheduling and routing, learn about a few of them and how technology and AI are empowering service organizations to do better.  

Session #3: Shaken, Not Broken: Seismic Standards for Critical Onsite Power Generation

Presenter: Nate Deibler, Pre Compliance 

This session will cover implementation of IBC 2024 Nonstructural Seismic Requirements for Today's Complex Buildings. We will discuss the following: Performance objectives for different seismic design categories and building types, force and displacement changes in IBC 2024 for systems, Special Seismic Certification requirements, application considerations, analysis allowances and methods for approving supports and attachments.

Session #4: NFPA 70B 2023: Completely Changing All Power Systems Testing Procedures

Presenter: Kent McLemore, Power Temp 

This presentation will discuss the impact of the three updated and now connected NEC 70-NFPA-70B-OSHA 70E codes. The challenges are that the codes are written around all electrical, not just emergency power systems. The verbiage is not what our industry is used to seeing so deciphering and reading between the lines to make it clear a work in progress. This is still the biggest change I’ve seen to our industry in the 38 years since I’ve been in the business.

Tuesday, September 17
9:15 am – 10:00 am; repeated from 10:15 am – 11:00 am

Session #5: AI Operational Tools to Power Your Day: A Tutorial on the Most Popular (Current) Solutions

Presenter: Shana Duthie, Principal Consultant, Duthie Consulting Group 

In this session the presenters will review three AI powered efficiency tools that can be used to optimize your workday. You will explore the fundamentals of crafting effective prompts to interact with AI models. You will learn how to structure prompts to elicit desired responses and maximize the capabilities of AI systems. This will be a hands-on learning experience, so it is suggested that you bring a tablet or laptop with internet connectivity. 

Session #6: Avoid the Shock: Demystifying OSHA for Electrical Generation Professionals

Presenter: Robert Rodriguez, Ogletree Deakins

In this session, the speakers will provide a strong foundation of OSHA knowledge, including how the agency operates and conducts inspections, how the settlement process works, how to contest citations, and more. The speakers will delve into the unique OSHA challenges facing the electrical generation industry, including common citations, best practices for dealing with OSHA, and how to avoid the legal pitfalls.

Session #7: Kinetic Power Packs

Presenter: Brandon Morales, Collicutt Energy

Integration and use of KPP's at vital medical/industrial/financial/technological sites such as banks, data centers, hospitals, etc. and how they provide uninterrupted, precise, energy even during outages. Ensuring simple AI/systems never experience loss of power. In this manner production never ceases, records are never lost, transaction details are secure.

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